
tigerrrr woods press conference

 so I watched the press conference yesterday morning;
on every channel you switched to..it was on. As I watched it; I was captivated into seeing if there was going to be a hint of a tear a hint of remorse. But I didnt see a tear but I did see remorse..I really saw that he was deeply sorry. I saw that he really wanted things to work out with his wife; he doesnt want the paparazzi to follow his children [understandable to the max], he just wants to go back to the tiger woods everyone adored, the one everyone praised the ground he walked on. But in a different light; i believe he wants to turn this situation into a silver lining and find the right way to walk away from this situation. I believe he wants children to admire him and look up to him again and sayyy "i want to be TigerWoods!"
I was watching alot of different talkshows and when they talked endlessly about how he was emotionless and had no feeling and they don't think he is remorseful; I truly thought bologna, [yes i sang the oscar meyer song in my head to make sure i spelt it right ;) ] when your children are involved he has to feel bad about what happened, when his son grows up, im sure he doesnt want him saying "dad why did you cheat on mom?" but he will. I believe they will work it out and him and Elin will stay together; not by his words but by his actions. I believe that she will stay with him for the sake of their children. I believe he will do anything in his power now to stay with her. I do wish i would have seen a tear drop from his eye..i know i wanted to shed a few just because of all the criticism he is going under. he is a human and made a mistake; we need to forgive him. he did not do it to us, he did it to Elin and his family. Time to move on and go back to golfing. We need him in the golf world, he needs the golf world. end of story.
i believe that tiger woods will one day be 'TIGEERRRRR WOOODS!' again...but the longer he waits the longer and harder it will be before he becomes that again, but also he can not become that without doing what is best for him and his family..getting everything straightened outtt.
i hope no one is offended by MY opinion...no worries i am open to so many opinions.
[i do not believe cheating is righttt...i do not believe he did right and i do not believe he has special boundries when it comes to marriage, he will do what is right and fix what is righttt]

backkk to medicine.oj.lifetime..and bed =]

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