
insanity updatee

so I live in an apartmentt.
third floor..so i have neighbors below mee..i believe just one girl..mid twentiess..not sure if she comes home every night..or even home that much..but that is regardless to what i feel..

i have been doing insanity..and you have to JUMPPP at certain parts..and i have to skip this part because i work out at 5am..she does not need to be waking up to my elephant tuck jumps...soooo i am scared what to do.i want to do the workout full force but i just dont know what to dooo..

please can i have a house..soon =]

but on a better note..i love insanity..the workout goes quickkk and repetative..so if you are lost..no worries you do it again..and again..and again...
but he adds in a few different workouts toward the end so that you really jumpstart and go crazy sweaty..

i would recommend it
i will update my weighloss [which isnt going to be a whole lot considering there is only so much a not overweight person can lose] but i will update my stats of how i feel my body is changing

thankkkk youu
golf this weekend!