
iphone app failure

I downloaded the iphone app "blogpress"..and I was uber excited to use it considering I could blog from anywhere without having to use my internet [which could be slow] or my computer!
so I made a post about how it was so cool and it only cost me 2.99!
and then I signed on to see if it worked and it didnt =[ sad sad day
maybe I needed to be in a more internet friendly area so I will be trying it again!
I would love for it to workkkk!

So today is superbowl sunday!! yay!! I love myself some football!
Who are you rooting for?
My team is not in the superbowl so in a sense it doesnt really matter to me..it would be nice if the saints won because they have never even been to the superbowl and to win on their first time would be an amazing accomplishmentt! butttt i like me some peyton manning, he is just an amazing quarterback! so in the end if my cheeseheads were in the superbowl I would care ALOT more, but I still am excited to watch it!

[i believe carrie underwood is performing the national anthem! i am very excited for that!]


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